#37 台灣人說的「熱血」是什麼意思? What does "hot-blood" mean? | Learn Taiwanese Mandarin Podcast 學中文
Do you want to learn how Mandarin Chinese is spoken in Taiwan?
This authentic Mandarin podcast is here to help! 100% Chinese content to help you learn naturally. 這是一個給中文學生的道地台灣podcast,我會用100%的中文來幫助你自然的學習。
Vocabulary list available on my website: https://www.thetaiwaneseway.com/post/bonus-content-vocabulary-list
And my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/vocabulary-list-67712052
Feel free to use it for your learning!
What you will learn in this episode 這集你會學到的東西:
(00:00:00 ) Patreon 單字表 Vocabulary List
(00:01:03 ) 「熱血」很難翻成英文
(00:01:45 ) 拋頭顱,灑熱血
(00:02:52 ) 「熱血」的作品(漫畫/電影...)
(00:04:05 ) 熱血的元素之一:成為英雄 A hero's journey
(00:05:14 ) 熱血的元素之二:友情 Friendship
(00:06:10 ) 熱血的元素之三:挑戰 Challenges
(00:07:23 ) 其他熱血的電影:星際大戰 Star Wars、漫威 Marvel
(00:08:17 ) 生活中熱血的事情之一:為某個目標努力
(00:09:20 ) 生活中熱血的事情之二:很青春、很衝動、很瘋狂的事情
(00:10:44 ) 冷血
(00:11:36 ) 結尾
Read the transcripts of each episode on my website
台味語言TheTaiwaneseway: https://www.thetaiwaneseway.com
Become a member on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thetaiwaneseway
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My other podcasts:
《來句中文 Lychee Mandarin》
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